Sunday, October 12, 2008

King Richard's Faire

Good evening gentle ladies and kind sirs. Tonight I would like to tell thee about my venture to King Richard's Faire in Carver, MA.
Don't worry, that's as far as I care to take the Old English. :)
This was my first time at any Renaissance Fair, and it was a blast. Not only were the costumes great (and a number of people who didn't work there were all dolled up), but the scenery was a lot of fun. It's in the middle of the woods with a number of different stores set up around the edge of the whole faire. In the middle are food vendors (complete with large turkey legs), rides mostly operated by cranks or swinging objects, and games including axe and knife throwing. We viewed a variety of mini shows throughout the day, and came back to watch jousting matches in-between. We ended our trip with an awesome tiger show (I love tigers) that included a liger. And there was no cage around the stage either. In fact, one of the rules was that no children were allowed to sit in the first three rows. (Screw the adults I guess). :) Actually, the guy running the show said it was a way to keep kids from getting too excited near the stage.
"Unless you don't want your kids going home with you after the show," he said with a grin.
The mini shows were a lot of fun. We listened to a three-man band play the song "Desdimona," a Renaissance rendition of the Knack song "My Sharona," and a roaming chorus finish off a set of classical music playing kazoos. We came across one dom with mad whipping skills, who used her whip to rip up pieces of paper held by her cohorts. At one point she brought a man from the audience onto the stage and placed a piece of celery between his legs. She then proceeded to use the whip to whittle down the celery piece by piece. He was very brave. :) They finished off their set by doing acrobatics with two long ribbons that hung in the air from three rods.
And then there was the jousting match. We watched the first show, where they had four knights on horses do various tricks with their lances, including popping balloons and spearing rings held by their squires. They then held a jousting match, which ended with a second match called so King Richard could attend. For the second match, our knight to root for was from England, riding with the colors red and green. That jousting match ended with another knight cheating and cutting our knight with his sword. They began fighting and the king announced they would have a final duel to determine the winner- a joust to the death. (Dun dun dun!).
But we didn't stay for that last one. :)
The last show we watched was the tiger show (did I mention I love tigers?). They had tiger cubs and a couple different varieties of tigers, including Bengal tigers, a snow white tiger, and a liger. The liger, Hercules, was so cool. He weighs over 900 pounds and has a very distinct lion-like head with tiger features. He could have swallowed one of the kids past the third row whole. But on stage he was a sweetheart, drinking the vitamin D milk they give them out of a bottle, and even catching a long stream of it in his mouth from one of the trainers standing a few feet away (adorable!). They also had him stand up, using a piece of meat on a stick, to show just how ridiculously long he is. Hercules indeed. I got some great pictures.
So all in all it was a great day. Beautiful weather, new atmosphere, fun things to see and do, what more could you ask for?